At St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, we support all children in using a range of technology with purpose and enjoyment. Technology is continuously and rapidly evolving and therefore, we believe, computing is an integral part of preparing children for the wider world. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.
Our principle aims for computing are for children to:
● develop their understanding of technology and how it is constantly evolving.
● develop their skills and capability which is essential to developing computer capability.
● evaluate the benefits and risks of technology and how to manage their use of it safely and respectfully.
● be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology
● celebrate success in the use of technology.
The use of technology is an integral part of our curriculum and provides pupils with the technological and communication skills they will need to live in our modern world.
Our computing curriculum is designed around the three key areas, as outlined in the National Curriculum. These are computer science, information technology, digital literacy.
The combination of these areas equips our children with the ability to safely and confidently use a computer. Online safety is taught across the curriculum, at every opportunity, be it in computing, English, PSHE, foundation subjects when conducting research or any time that it is deemed necessary.
Through exploratory play, children use technological toys and learn that they can make them work by pressing buttons and clicking on icons. They are taught how to complete simple programs which they use to support their phonics and mathematical skills using online interactive tasks.
Through role-play, discussion and stories children learn that technology can be used for a range of purposes across home and school. Technology is used in the Foundation Stage, by adults and pupils to capture ideas, thoughts and experiences through images and text. This is a fundamental part of the evidencing process which tracks the learning journey.
At Key Stages 1 and 2, the planning, organisation and delivery of the Computing Curriculum is supported using a variety of ideas from different schemes, including NCCE, Barefoot Computing, iCompute and Rising Stars. Through the use of 2Simple and iPad apps, children will learn about different programmes, coding, online safety, games and creative tools. All the activities that children will be given will be open-ended to allow children’s creativity to flourish and allow the children to understand how different children and people express themselves. Where appropriate, meaningful links are made between the computing curriculum and the wider curriculum. Employing cross-curricular links motivates pupils and supports them to make connections and remember the skills they have been taught.
The implementation of this curriculum ensures that, when children leave St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, they are competent and safe users of IT with an understanding of how technology works. They will have developed skills to express themselves and be equipped to apply their skills in computing to different challenges going forward.
With thanks to William Reynolds School for sharing their ideas.