Dear Parents & Carers
We have a number of events this and next week.
Wednesday 21st – Welcome Mass in Church at 9.15am. All families are welcome. Our current Y6 pupils who took part in the First Holy Communion programme will also receive their certificates at this Mass.
Wednesday 21st – The Roving Bookshop is in school. Information has been shared, but is attached to this email as a reminder.
Friday 23rd – Year 4 Open Morning at 9.15am (doors open 9.00am for refreshments)
Friday 23rd – Meeting for parents of pupils in Year4 who are interested in the First Holy Communion programme 2022-23
We are also hosting an Open Evening next Wednesday for prospective Nursery and Reception parents for September 2023. If you (or someone you know) are interested, please come along. Alternatively, spread the word!